Culture among African countries including Nigeria has been one of the causes of the lumbering state of the campaign for gender equality and family planning. Culture in many African countries has interminably attached more superiority to male children over female children. The common domestic routine in average Nigerian homes is; females wake up early every day, tidy up the house and surroundings, prepare meals for the family, prepare younger ones for school and in some cases go hawking to support the family’s financial state while the males take care of themselves, eat and feel much comfortable. This has up till date created a dangerous opinion on female children, growing up with the thoughts and believes that the male folks have much superiority over them. The thinking of a man has great influence on the attitude of a man.
When girls grow up believing that men are powerful, they become weak in the midst of men, they lose confidence and self-esteem when they find themselves among men and therefore, become powerless to stand for themselves and defend themselves in times of abuse, molestation or any sort of harassment from male folks. Many girls have been molested even within their families and they lack the confidence to even speak it out, facing the dangers of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) as well as unwanted pregnancies. The voice of a girl child is built around the structure of her self-confidence.
The dangers of unsafe abortion, termination of girls’ dreams and ambition, HIV/AIDs and other STIs can be kept at arm’s length if girls are empowered with proper and free sexuality education, gender justice as well as accurate moral and financial support. A girl who goes hawking to sustain the family is exposed to the dangers of street hoodlums and immoral acts in trying hard to earn for the family. It is therefore very important for couples to be able to take care of their children’s needs, have time to listen to children and get to know how they understand the society, guide children through sexuality education and show equal love to children not minding their gender. These will go a long way in building the confidence of every girl child; help them to become independent in decision making and sustain their confidence to stand on their own as well as making efforts to defend themselves in times of danger such as abuse and harassment.
There is necessity for family planning services for every couple because when couples give birth to the number of children that they are capable of taking care of, there would be no need sending children especially girls out to the society for street hawking. Giving birth to so many children and sending some to the streets of the society is dangerous to the children and to the society they are being thrown to. Family Planning service is a necessary and not just an ordinary option. Let us have a clean society through Family Planning.